Delicious recipes that are perfect for feeding a hungry game day crowd!
Delicious oven baked meatballs are perfect appetizers for the Super Bowl!
5 minute creamy peanut butter and chocolate dessert dip for crackers & cookies.
Quick and easy ground beef taco casserole cooked in one skillet for a crowd.
Make an easy pizza bite in the air fryer or the oven. These are the perfect game day snack.
Baked cheesy spinach dip that will be devoured in minutes! Perfect for a crowd.
Make a big pot of chili for the big game! This is full of beef, beans, tomatoes and just the right amount of chili spice!
This is our spin on the classic 7 layer dip. It's very quick and easy to make. This mildly spicy recipe has instructions for making it more or less spicy.
This recipe is easy to make in the Instant Pot! The pork is so tender it falls apart. These spices make it absolutely delicious!
Our blend of spices makes the most DELICIOUS barbecue meatballs! Use frozen meatballs and enjoy perfection!
Use canned chili to make this amazing chip dip. You can't beat how easy this is to make. It will disappear quickly!
It's the dip you can't stop eating! Dip your favorite potato chips or veggies!
This is the only chicken leg recipe you need! Perfect seasoning and cooking method.
We can eat this any day of the year! Make it for game day and your family will thank you!
This cheesy dip has bits of ham or bacon in it. Dip potato chips or crackers.
If you love cheesecake and bananas you'll go gaga over these parfaits.